Summary: An update and upgrade to the Me, You, and Jeju website
Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript (GSAP)
#meyouandjeju #podcast #website #upgrade
Summary: A simple 'Linktree' copy site so people can easily access all projects and SNS from one place
#sitetree #linktree #html #css #gsap
Summary: A site to learn about the Jeju 4.3 Incident
Stack: Next JS, Contentful, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Figma
#Jeju43 #NextJS #HistorySite #CoffeeAje #TeddChee
Summary: A simple landing page for a new podcast
Stack: HTML, CSS, Netlify, GoDaddy
#landingpage #html #css #podcast
Summary: Markdown blog (variation on Traversy Media project)
Stack: Next JS, Tailwind CSS, Markdown, Photoshop
#nextjs #traversymedia #tailwindcss #markdown #blogproject
Summary: Gallery-style site using React and Firebase
Stack: React, Firebase
#createreactapp #react #firebase #artproject